valder fields歌词_valder 讯息

2023-03-28 07:08:56 来源:互联网


1、Valder Fields的歌词 中文翻译 创作背景 完美版 Tamas Wells 【Valder Fields】 I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields And was almost dry lying in the sun after I had tried lying in the sun by the side we had agreed that the council would end at three hours over-time shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights I was running late (I) could apply for another one I guess If department stores are best they said (that) there would be delays only temporary pay for another one I guess if department stores are best they said (that) there would be delays only temporary pay she was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields and was sound asleep (on the) stairs out the door to the man who cried when he said that he loved his life we had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door (in) case he slept outside and was found in two days in Valder Fields (with a) mountain view 中文翻译: by肌肉黄 Valder Fields(我觉得是个地名) 我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 于是我跑输了,但我会努力的 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 我想是为另一个人 如果有百货商店就好了 他们说会耽搁时间的,只好暂时付上钱 她穿着睡衣拥向Valder Fields 感觉是那么的安祥 有一人坐在门外的楼梯上哭着说,他很享受他的生活 我们都觉得那会议组会拿走他卧室的钥匙 如果万一他要在门外徘徊 两天后在Valder Fields,一片山色美景中看到了他 Valder Fields是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部的一个雨季里写成的,当Tamas正致力于一个社会卫生艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教育项目。

2、他说,这首歌是一种意识流的歌,暗示在生活的责任(遵守时间,申请职位)与一种迈克.罗尼格(澳大利亚漫画家 Michael Leunig) 式的生活计划(在温泉边温暖的泥土上睡觉)之间的压力。




